Posts tagged “trash

Metal likeness, 25mm

Badges… badges everywhere

A strange feeling, putting yr image into a 25mm metal circle.  How do bands cope with their gormless faces plastered all over T-shirts and other… “merch”?  Come to a gig and take these damn things away.

This is the next one…

…But there are several more to come, including a third go with Safehouse in the Wildcard Quartet, end of June.  Details here, as they become available.  Anyway, ask me for a badge and you can have one.

vintage brain-rust for the Old Year

Because the New Year finds me light-hearted and clearing out a ton of sentimental &/or forgotten crap, to dance laughing round a giant freedom pyre, I thought it’d be nice to share something with you. Going through the accumulated debris, I found this thing written years ago for a compilation album called The Return of Generation Toyracer (TOY004), featuring a track by my then-band Empty Vessels.

And what better way to celebrate the future than by wanking over the past?

toyracer inlay

The idea was to do a short piece for the inlay booklet, describing my best-loved record. So I made one up:

‘My favourite album is by 80’s combo Joie Extreme. The Sound of Whipped Dogs Miaowing has a literally unbearable atmosphere of foreboding and dread, with great hooks and singalong choruses. This voluptuous fog is testament to the genius of Des Essence and Vyv Feast. Whereas Essence was a protest singer distinctive for high-pitched shouting over primitive piano chords (ultra-rare early single “Dead Hill-Farmers Long Ago”), Feast wasn’t. So each song on their classic LP was recorded twice – once at half-speed, then with frequencies added that Feast claimed caused “spiritual violation”. Drummer Stifford was forced to hold his breath for each take; listen carefully and hear him sobbing on track three.

Recording took place in a haunted factory in front of a crowd of wax dummy children in Victorian clothes, and Feast deprived the band of sleep by flashing a blue light in their eyes (while showing, says bassist Miranda Poe, “a full stem”). The song “Eyeflaps Turgid” – possibly the only ever to feature an acoustic guitar filled with shit – reflects this. It was all downhill from there. The band scattered into obscurity to become music journalists, but their album lives on and I’ve got all the copies.’

…The work of a cocky, sleep-deprived and possibly quite drunk young man, but damn it was fun.